The PhD Programme Office SDSB is pleased to announce that Muhammad Azeem Ali Shah has successfully defended the dissertation titled “Exogenous Shocks and the Process of Organisational Sensemaking: The Case of Punjab Irrigation Department, Pakistan”, on September 24, 2018 for partial fulfilment of the requirements of PhD Management Programme at the Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB).
The dissertation defense committee comprised the following members:
- Dr. Ghazal Mir Zulfiqar, Supervisor and Chair
- Dr. Muhammad Azfar Nisar, Co-supervisor
- Dr. Adnan Zahid, Member SDSB
- Dr. Mohsin Bashir, Member SDSB
- Dr. Shafay Shamail, Member LUMS
- Dr. Ing. Usman Khalid Awan, External Examiner
We would like to express special thanks and gratitude to Dr. Muhammad Azfar Nisar for his active involvement in bringing the dissertation to a timely and successful conclusion.
The dissertation provides an insightful analysis of a large public-sector organisation in Pakistan, advances theory on relevant topics and provides practical recommendation, thereby contributing to advancing SDSB mission of knowledge generation and dissemination in order to impact the practice of management. We look forward to Azeem sharing his research findings with the LUMS community and public at large.
Congratulations Dr. Azeem!