On Friday, February 27, 2020, the Career Services Office organised a campus drive by Mondelēz International at LUMS. An American multinational confectionery, food, and beverage company based in Illinois, the firm employs approximately 80,000 individuals around the world.
Sana Baloch, Talent Acquisition Specialist at the firm commenced the session, and she introduced herself and the team. Asad Kazi, Regional Sales Manager and LUMS Alumnus, Ayesha Tallat, HR Manager – Commercial, and Lavinia Lobo Vaz, Recruitment Coordinator. Ms. Baloch also informed the audience about Mondelēz’s Summer Internship Programme 2020.
Ms. Baloch talked about Usman Azam, LUMS alumni, who joined Mondelēz International last year as a Management Trainee and is now leading two plants in Pakistan. To gauge what the audience knows about the organisation, a game was played, and the winners were given a prize. Ms. Baloch then talked about the firm being a global snacking leader earning a net revenue of USD 26 billion. She further shared that the firm invests USD 800 million to ‘positively impact people and the planet in local communities’ and half of the funds go to its Cocoa Life Programme.
Mondelēz International received the Top Employer Award this year offering growth to its employees and the opportunity to work abroad as well. A short video was shown about the organisation showing how everyone at the organization works towards a shared purpose to do more, learn more and grow more. The video was then followed by a quiz taken by Ms. Vaz.
Ms. Tallat was then invited on stage to talk about the Early Careers Programme and the process for applying and why students should join. The firm is planning to bring in more products and introduce more categories this year which will present the employees with greater opportunities for growth. They also have a fast track approach to their programme. If someone performs very well they will be offered a permanent position after two or three rotations instead of four. The interns also have a chance to be offered the Management Trainee position for the following year depending on their performance.
Ms. Tallat then called Mr. Kazi on stage who said that Mondelēz International is the only FMCG in Pakistan growing at such a high rate and is a PKR 10 billion revenue company. He spoke about the sales structure at the firm and the opportunities it will lead to within the organisation. He thanked the audience and invited Ms. Baloch to the stage. She spoke briefly about the online test and the application process.
The session ended with an interactive Questions and Answers session.