Presidents Message
I welcome you to LUMS Data Science Society which aims to create the largest community of Data Scientists in Pakistan. It will be my privilege to have you onboard in helping us in the execution of this ambition vision. You will be the part of the first-ever Data Science Society of Pakistan and will be the pioneers in the advancement of the field in Pakistan. Are you ready to become the representative of Data Science in Pakistan?
Mohammad Mohtashim Khan
President, LUMS Data Science Society
Our Vision
This ‘Society’ strives to be open to as many lines of thinking as there are valid states of mind — whether they be from Management Science, CS, or Econ Math majors — following a strong directive force backed by a strategic Board which exists to represent the full spectrum of professional interests of LUMS students — CS, Management Science, Econ/Math, Economics Majors/Minors etc.. It aims to understand the circumstances of the creation of the new field of Data Science and spread awareness about its use as a base in science and research. The ‘Society,’ as a source of information and knowledge-producer, will go into print when we have something to inform about the developments in the Field. When any ethical/technical/professional question is susceptible to discussion and needs to be talked about, dissected, uncovered, operated upon, we will nurture a group of problem-solvers to expand these discussions for meaningful outcomes.
Our Mission
The society’s mission statement is as follows in a sequential manner:
- We aim to share knowledge and guide students in a structured manner about the field, its division, and the nuances in designations.
- We aim to provide an environment which is conducive to learning specific analytical techniques and software through rigorous training modules.
- We aim to fulfil gaps through practice and application of learnt skills to solve problems in business and industry contexts.
Our Core Values
- Honesty: We believe in truthful storytelling that informs and not misleads and this will be an essential learning outcome of this venture.
- Tolerance: We will be thoughtful thinkers who understand other point of views and will strive to be patient with the results and techniques we use in data-driven approaches.
- Rigour: There is no substitute for consistent effort and that is what we seek to provide in this organization through both structured curricula and unstructured problems.
- Collaboration: Teamwork is at the core of what actual data-science teams do and we will help bond the communicator with the desk loving programmer.
Our Objectives
- To impart knowledge via a structured curriculum based on the University of Michigan’s Coursera Specialization, our repository of datasets and practice of open-ended problems and cases
- To raise awareness about the career paths and their respective nuances in the Data Science field
- To enable the community to develop professional networks within an evolving Pakistan workforce which upskills every day with data-driven tools and methodologies
- To inculcate best practices in the functions a Data Scientist/Analyst performs in routine e.g. communicating analyses to senior executives.
- To become independent and passionate learners motivated by the drive to begin careers in the field or develop a problem-solving mindset
- To help formulate problem-statements and solve them based on public datasets so that students can rack up valuable and pragmatic project experience
Email: data@lums.edu.pk
Address: LUMS, DHA, Lahore Cantt 54792, Lahore, Pakistan