President's Message

You will probably be reading this at a time of great divisiveness and dilemma. Not only do we find ourselves in the throes of an unrelenting pandemic, we also find ourselves in the midst of great political upheaval. Despite what may seem from afar a resurgence of less representative voices, we might very well still be far from permanently bringing those into the mainstream. If like me, you are decently privileged, you by virtue of your social position, might be distanced from the reality of those the systems of the world oppress. Even if this distance is not a moral distance, it still is a spatial one. Nested in our homes without the ability to physically reach out to groups which face daily humiliation and brutality, ours is a situation which demands imaginative, creative and explorative ways to connect. This year like all other societies at LUMS, Hum Aahang faces the challenge of curating platforms online which help us connect with these groups. A number of events are being planned so that we can provide a platform to as many people as possible. Needless to say, that in this regard we need to come together as a community of individuals who do not only seek to help each other but also those who find no shame in seeking help from each other. Join us in forming this community. And who knows, in the process, we might find something extraordinary not only in others but also in ourselves.

Kumail Haider Jafri,
President, Hum Aahanga


Our Vision

In the following year, the society will focus on giving those people a platform who are advertently or inadvertently pushed to the fringes and are forced to remain there. By the end of this year, the society aims to have become a rendezvous for various progressive voices on and off campus. Its vision thus is to engage different parties in conversation to open more space for less represented issues and concerns.


Our Mission

Hum Aahang aims to provide space for voices which remain unheard and silenced. The society strives to bring the narratives of different minorities into the mainstream. It seeks to replace the culture of denial and negation with a culture of acknowledgement and acceptance with regards to these stories and different ways of living. We look to difficult conversations to rescue us from difficult times. We look to dialogue, expression and imagination to create a more accepting society.


Our Core Values

  • Self-Accountability: To hold yourself responsible for your actions and take ownership of mistakes and successes alike is what allows Hum Aahang and its members to grow and nurture others.
  • Empathy: Understanding how to negotiate between your experiences and others’ situation allows for the society to form an emotionally healthy environment.
  • Constructive Dialogue: To entertain opposing views and express disagreement without feeling like a part of one’s identity has been lost.
  • Communication: To be able to draw and respect boundaries as well as being able to express oneself without the fear of judgement.



1. To ensure representation
2. To provide platforms which allow inclusion
3. To inculcate the ability to express oneself fully
4. To create an environment where difficult conversations are encouraged
5. To cultivate individuals who understand and embody leadership



Email Address:
Address: LUMS, DHA, Lahore Cantt 54792, Lahore, Pakistan