Presidents Message

LWiC is finally here & it's happening!

I feel beyond excited to share with you all an initiative very close to my heart: LWiC - LUMS Women in Computing.
Diversity and inclusivity within the CS department at LUMS have traditionally been a challenge. As a Female Computer Science senior at LUMS who has faced numerous challenges due to the severe gender gap within the department, I am extremely determined to change the experience for the upcoming female CS students at LUMS.

Through LWiC, we hope to make young women realize that gender stereotypes, male-dominated cultures, and fewer role models in STEM will not— in fact, should not — stop a strong woman from pursuing her dream! LWiC, to me, is not just a society. It is family! A family filled with love, support, and encouragement for each other.

The CS department's current overall student gender ratio is 4:1, but we aim to change this very soon! We are excited to start our first year with high spirits and hope to create an impact in improving the experience of our fellow women in computing at LUMS.
Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.

Mehreen Masood,
Founding President, LUMS Women in Computing


Our Vision

LWiC aims to create a community at LUMS that instills the belief and confidence in young women to take up computing. We wish to increase not only women representation but also their impact on all aspects of technology in turn equipping them with the tools to benefit other women in their communities.


Our Mission

To nurture a community that supports and promotes the personal and professional growth of women in computing. This will be achieved through informal activities that promote community building and formal opportunities that provide women mentorship, highlight their roles in the industry and expand upon their struggles and impact. We aim to foster a supportive community of women* and allies equipped with the resources needed to recognize and overcome challenges.

*All gender identities are welcome and supported!


Our Core Values

• Community: A friendly and safe community that supports women in computing.
• Honesty: Integrity and strong following of moral principles.
• Rigor: Working hard to further the society’s vision.
• Teamwork: Effective and efficient execution of tasks within a group.
• Collaboration: Working with other societies who share our vision.
• Women Empowerment:  Providing women the platform to grow individual and professionally.



• Foster a community where women with similar interests in Computer Science can feel empowered, grow together, mentor, and guide each other.
• Changing the overall misconceptions surrounding Computer Science by presenting it as a welcoming and vast field open to people from all backgrounds and orientations.
• Host speakers and lectures from the industry and academia & inspire women through workshops, research and publications, and study groups.
• Connect current students with alumni to assist and encourage them in pursuing graduate studies.
• Offer mentorship via study groups, social activities such as bootcamps, networking opportunities, and professional events in collaboration with organizations such as Pakistani Women in Computing (PWiC) and Women in Tech, Pakistan.
• Highlight the achievements of our female faculty from the Computer Science department.
• Have presence via informal lunches/ game nights at various school-wide events such as orientations, major days etc.

Email Address:
Address: LUMS, DHA, Lahore Cantt 54792, Lahore, Pakistan